Creating PDF Reports

Net Inspector can generate reports in Adobe PDF format from all predefined and custom report pages, as well as from the built-in pages (e.g., Home page, Devices page, Alarms page, etc.). All pages have the Export to PDF button () in the right section of the titlebar that lets you export the currently displayed Web content to PDF format.

To create a PDF report from a custom report page, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the Reports tab in the main window to display the Reports page.

  1. In the Custom report pages frame, click the name of the custom report page you want to export to PDF format. This displays the custom report page (as shown in the figure below).

Figure: Viewing a custom report and exporting it to PDF format



  1. Click the Export to PDF button in the titlebar of the custom report page (see the image above).

  1. The Web browser displays a dialog box asking if you wish to save the resulting PDF file to disk or open it (if you have a PDF document viewer installed, like Adobe Reader or similar). After selecting the desired option, the PDF file is generated from the given page. If you have selected the option to open the file, the PDF document is displayed in the specified PDF viewer application (as shown in the figure below).

Figure: Viewing Custom report page in PDF format