About NetFlow Data Aggregation


Note: NetFlow raw values, 5-minute sum, hourly sum and daily sum

The following model is used for aggregating the NetFlow/sFlow data (note that a different model is used for aggregating the performance data).

How NetFlow data is stored in the database:

*   raw data as received from NetFlow sources is stored for the last 24 hours,

*   5-minute sums are calculated from raw data and stored for the last 14 days,

*   hourly sums are calculated and stored for the last 6 months,

*   daily sums are calculated and stored for the last 2 years.


How NetFlow data is displayed in the NetFlow Conversation Details report pages:

Raw data is never depicted in graphs (it is only displayed in tables when viewing the conversation details for up to 24 hours from the current time). In general, the data of the smallest available aggregation level appropriate for the selected time period is displayed, as follows:

1. If the span of the selected time period does not exceed 2 days:

2. If the span of the selected time period exceeds 2 days, but does not exceed 2 weeks:

3. If the span of the selected time period exceeds 2 weeks:


Note that you can zoom into a graph to view more fine-grained information (if it exists) by selecting a narrower time period in the graph with your mouse.