Information Provided by Icons on Maps (Graphics View)

The Graphics view in the Map View frame displays the contents of maps by means of icons that represent monitored devices and submaps.


Types of Devices

This section describes the built-in types of devices. In addition, new device types can be defined by users with administrator access rights in the Settings tab, Device Types dialog box.


a) The following icons are used to represent different types (classes) of devices:

IP  workstation (generic IP device)

IP switch

IP router

IP server

IP database

IP firewall

IP equipment

IP transmitter

IP printer

IP virtual server

IP virtual host

IP virtual machine


b) The following icon is used to represent a map (submap):

Map (submap)


c) The following icon is used to represent an unknown device (e.g., hub, unmanaged switch, etc.) or part of the network.

Cloud (unknown device or part of the network)



Status of Devices

The background color of a device icon indicates the status of that device. The following table shows the default device status colors, statuses and their meanings (statuses are ordered from least to most critical):

Icon Background Color

Device Status




Device is not being managed (polling is disabled).

(light blue)


Device is being managed (polling is enabled) but information about device reachability is currently unavailable (e.g., immediately after enabling polling or after loosing the connection with polling engine).



Device is being managed (polling is enabled) and it is responding to Net Inspector queries.



Device is being managed (polling is enabled), but it is not responding to Net Inspector SNMP queries.



Device is being managed (polling is enabled), but it is not responding to Net Inspector queries.


The background of a map icon reflects the color of the most critical status that can be found among the objects in the given map and all its submaps.


New Alarms – Alarm Balloons

Dynamic Nature of Alarm Balloons

Small graphic symbols called “alarm balloons” () dynamically appear and disappear above icons that represent devices and (sub)maps. An alarm balloon appears above a device icon when at least one new alarm (i.e., active alarm that is not acknowledged) exists on that device, and disappears when all alarms associated with the device are acknowledged or cleared. Similarly, an alarm balloon appears above the submap icon if at least one new alarm exists on the devices within that submap or any of its submaps (if alarm propagation is not disabled), and such alarm balloon disappears when all alarms on those objects are acknowledged or cleared.


Displaying the Number of New Alarms

The alarm balloon above a device icon displays the number of new alarms that currently exist on the given device. The alarm balloon above a submap icon displays the number of new alarms that currently exist on the objects (devices and submaps) within that submap. New alarm is an active alarm that is not acknowledged.


Reflecting the Severity of New Alarms

An alarm balloon automatically changes its color to match the color of the most severe new alarm that currently exists on the device. In case of a submap, the alarm balloon reflects the color of the most severe new alarm that exists on the objects within the given map branch (i.e., in the given map and its submaps).

The alarm severity levels and their colors - and thus also the default colors of alarm balloons are:

The alarm severity levels, their symbols and default colors (listed from least to most severe)



All Active Alarms – Alarm Rectangles

Dynamic Nature of Alarm Rectangles

Small rectangles () displayed in the lower-right section of device and submap icons indicate the number (and severity level) of all active alarms on the given device or on the objects within the given submap.

As alarm balloons, rectangles that indicate the total number of active alarms also dynamically appear and disappear when monitoring is enabled. A rectangle symbol appears in the lower-right section of the device icon when at least one active alarm exists on the given device, and disappears when no more active alarms exist on that device (i.e., when all alarms are cleared). Similarly, a rectangle appears on a submap icon if at least one active alarm exists on the devices within that submap or any of its submaps, and such alarm balloon disappears when no more active alarms exist within the given map branch.


Displaying the Total Number of Active Alarms

An alarm rectangle on the device icon displays the total number of active alarms that currently exist on the given object. An alarm rectangle on the submap icon displays the total number of active alarms that currently exist on the objects within that submap and all of its submaps.


Reflecting the Severity of Active Alarms

An alarm rectangle on the device icon automatically changes its color to match the color of the most severe alarm that currently exists on the given device. An alarm rectangle on the submap icon reflects the color of the most severe alarm that exists on the objects within the given submap and all of its submaps. The picture above displays the alarm severity levels and their default colors.




Let us suppose that 2 active alarms concurrently exist on the device. The severity levels of these alarms are Major and Critical. The ‘critical’ alarm has been acknowledged by the network operator, while the ‘major’ alarm has not been acknowledged yet. In such case, the alarm balloon will indicate the number 1 (as there is one non-acknowledged alarm associated with the object) and reflect the color assigned to the Major severity level (i.e., orange, by default, as shown in the picture on the left). The alarm rectangle, on the other hand, will show the total number of active alarms (2) and reflect the color of the critical alarm (i.e., red, by default). Note also that the icon background in the picture on the left reflects the red color, indicating that the status of this managed object is Critical.