IP SLA Statistics

The IP SLA frame in the device performance page (see figure below) displays the lists of IP SLA categories (e.g., HTTP, DNS, UDP Jitter, etc.) and measurement operations within categories (source->destination items) as well as the current measurement values (e.g., RTT).

IP SLA statistics can only be monitored on Cisco devices that are properly configured (enabled IP SLA operations), provided that the IP SLA monitoring is enabled in the polling profile assigned to those devices.

For more information on configuring IP SLA operations on Cisco devices, please consult the Cisco documentation

(e.g.: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/12_4/ip_sla/configuration/guide/hsoverv.html).

Figure: IP SLA frame in the device performance page (example)


The IP SLA frame in the device performance page displays the lists of IP SLA categories (e.g., HTTP, DNS, UDP Jitter, etc.) and measurement operations within categories (source->destination items) configured on the given device. It also displays the current IP SLA measurements, i.e., round trip times (RTT), and for  VoIP also MOS (mean opinion score), jitter from source to destination and vice-versa (Jitter SD/DS), packet loss from source to destination and vice-versa (Packet Loss SD/DS), and latency from source to destination and vice-versa (Latency SD/DS).


By clicking an IP SLA operation in the Measurement column, you can view more detailed statistics with history for the given IP SLA measurement operation.

For UDP Jitter for VoIP operation, this includes the MOS (mean opinion score), round trip time (RTT), jitter, packet loss, latency, packet out of sequences, packet MIA, and packet late arrivals (as shown in figure below). For more information about those parameters, please consult the Cisco documentation that came with your equipment.

Figure: Example of a web page displaying the IP SLA VoIP quality statistics


The estimated mean opinion score (MOS) is a numerical indication of the perceived quality of sound after compression and transmission. Cisco routers with enabled VoIP UDP jitter IP SLAs will calculate and express the estimated MOS value as a number in the range of 1 to 5, where 1 is the lowest audio quality, and 5 is the highest quality. A MOS value of zero indicates that MOS data is not available.