Network Interfaces Statistics

The Interfaces frame in the device performance page displays the lists of monitored network interfaces on the device, as well as the current status, address, type, speed and the inbound and outbound utilization rate for every monitored interface (as shown in figure below).

One can configure which network interfaces on the given device will be monitored in the Edit Device page, Interfaces tab.

Figure: Viewing network interfaces statistics (example)


The following icons are used to indicate the current status of interfaces:

 – Interface is up

 – Interface is down

* – Interface has been administratively disabled

  1. Click an interface name in the list, to view its detailed statistics in a dedicated web page (as shown in the figure below).This information displayed includes the interface utilization rate, bit rate, packet rate, error rate, and discard rate statistics with history.

 Figure: Viewing history graphs for a specific network interface

  1. To view graphs for a different time frame or using a different sample interval, select desired entries from the Time Period or Sample Interval drop-down lists in the upper-right section of the titlebar. Optionally, set a different scale (e.g., logarithmic) or enable displaying a trend line or a 95-percentile line (or both) on the graphs by selecting the relevant options from the Scale and Statistics drop-down menus.

  2. Hover your mouse cursor over any bar in a graph, to display the metric value and time in a tooltip.

  3. Click on a graph to drill-down to a web page with history data (in form of a graph and table) for the corresponding metric (e.g., Utilization, Bit rate, Error Rate, ..).

Figure: Viewing bitrate history graph and table for a specific network interface