The NetFlow / sFlow Configuration dialog box lets you configure the time period and the number of elements (N) shown in individual Top N reports in the NetFlow home page. In addition, it lets you configure NetFlow and sFlow collector ports.
Note: Only users with administrator access rights are permitted to configure settings described in this topic.
To open the NetFlow / sFlow Configuration dialog box, do one of the following:
Click the NetFlow/sFlow button in the Net Inspector Settings page.
the Configure button ()
in the frame titlebar of the NetFlow home page.
The Netflow / sFlow Configuration dialog box appears (as shown below).
Figure: NetFlow / sFlow Configuration dialog box
In the upper section of the Netflow / sFlow Configuration dialog box, you can configure the following NetFlow home page settings:
In the Statistics drop-down lists, select the desired Top N item (e.g., Top 5, Top 10, Top 15 or Top 20) for individual reports displayed in the NetFlow home page. To set the same Top N item for all reports, choose it from the Set for all drop-down list at the top of the Statistics column.
In the Time Period drop-down list, select the desired time period for the corresponding Top N reports shown in the NetFlow home page. To set the same time period for all Top N reports, choose it from the Set for all drop-down list at the top of the Time Period column
In the lower section of the Netflow / sFlow Configuration dialog box, you can configure the UDP ports, which Net Inspector polling engines will listen to for incoming NetFlow and sFlow datagrams, as follows:
To add a port:: Check the checkbox in front of the polling engine you wish to add a listening port to and click the Add Port button to open the Add Port dialog box and enter the desired port number into it. The specific port is added to the selected polling engine (e.g., denotes the local polling engine, other IP addresses indicate remote polling engines (if any)).The default listening port is 9991. To add the default port, click the Add default button
To delete a port:: Check the checkbox in front of the port you wish the polling engine to stop listening on and click the Remove port button.
After you have configured the settings above, click the OK button in the lower section of the Netflow / sFlow Configuration dialog box, to close it and apply the settings.