Log in to Net Inspector Server

MG-SOFT Net Inspector application has a web-based graphical front end. It lets you configure and monitor the status and performance of your network by using a web browser application (e.g., Chrome v65+ (recommended), Firefox v53+, MS Edge v38+, etc.).

This section describes how to log in to Net Inspector Server by using a web browser.

1) On computer where Net Inspector Server is installed:

  1. Launch the MG-SOFT Net Inspector Client shortcut on the desktop or from the program launch menu (e.g., Windows Start menu).

  2. The Net Inspector login page displays in your web browser. Enter your Net Inspector username and password into corresponding input lines and click the Login button to log in.

Tip: The default username and password is: admin


  1. In case two or more user views are assigned to the given user, the Select User View dialog box appears that lets you select the user view to open. Select the desired user view from the User view drop-down list and click the Continue button.

  2. After a successful login, the Net Inspector desktop is displayed and you can start working with Net Inspector in accordance with the assigned access rights and user view.



2) On other computers:

  1. Start a web browser application (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge, etc.).

  2. In the In the address bar in your web browser enter the following URL:


    where IP.IP.IP.IP is the IP address or name of the computer running Net Inspector Server.

The web server should automatically redirect your web browser to the Net Inspector login page at the following URL:


Tip:  If your web server does not support secure https protocol, you can use http instead. Https is recommended, as it provides strong security (server authentication and communication encryption).

  1. The Net Inspector login page displays in your web browser. Enter your Net Inspector username and password into corresponding input lines and click the Login button to log in.

    Tip: The default username and password is: admin

  2. In case two or more user views are assigned to the given user, the Select User View dialog box appears that lets you select the user view to open. Select the desired user view from the User view drop-down list and click the Continue button.

  3. After a successful login, the Net Inspector desktop is displayed and you can start working with Net Inspector in accordance with the assigned access rights and user view.


Tip:  To change your password after a successful login, select the Settings tab in Net Inspector main page and click the Users dialog box. This displays the Users panel where Net Inspector users are managed. Select your user account in this dialog box and click the Edit button. Enter the new password into the Password and Retype password input lines and click the OK button to close the dialog box and apply the password change.