Router Details Page

To open the Router Details page for a NetFlow/sFlow source device, click the name of the source device in the NetFlow Sources frame in the NetFlow home page.

Figure: NetFlow Router Details page


The Router Details page displays the NetFlow/sFlow information for the selected source device, i.e., a router or switch (for all its NetFlow/sFlow-enabled interfaces). This includes the total amount of traffic in bytes and packets passed through the device (either through all its interfaces or through a specific interface), and the Top N reports for the given source device.

Too view data for another source device, select that device from the Router drop-down list (if you have two or more NetFlow/sFlow source devices).

Too view data for a specific interface on the device, select the interface from the Interfaces drop-down list. You will be redirected to the Interface Details Page.

The following reports are displayed on the Router Details page:

Note: in the upper right corner of the frame, you can select the time period for the data included in reports, and the type of the Top N reports (Top5, Top10, Top15 etc.) displayed in this page.


Use the filters to filter (drill-down) the given NetFlow Details page by one or more parameters (e.g., endpoint, application, protocol, etc.), as described in the Using Filters in NetFlow Details Pages topic.

If you click the name of an item, you will be redirected to the corresponding page (Endpoint Details page if the item is a transceiver, Application Details page if the item is an application, etc.) displaying information related to that item on a given router.