One can add desired device performance pages and custom report pages to quick link tabs displayed below the main header tabs in Net Inspector desktop in order to make these pages easily accessible. When a page is added (docked) to quick links, a new tab carrying the name of the docked device performance page or the custom report page appears among the quick link tabs (Figure). Click this quick link tab from anywhere in the given user view to display the respective page. Note that quick links are tied to the user and user view (each user can configure his/her own quick links for each user view; for more information about users and user views in Net Inspector refer to the section Configuring User Views). The process of configuring quick links is very simple, as described in this section.
Switch to the user view that contains the device whose device performance page that you wish to add to quick links.
Open the device performance page that you wish to add to quick links by clicking the device name hyperlink anywhere in Net Inspector (e.g., on a network map, or in other frames or reports).
Figure: Clicking a device name hyperlink on a map
In the upper-right section of the titlebar of the device performance page, click the Dock to quick links toggle button to add the device performance page to quick links (as shown in the image below).
Figure: Click the Dock to quick links button in the titlebar to add the device performance page to quick links
A new tab appears among the quick link tabs carrying the name of the docked device performance page and the Dock to quick links button changes its color from white to green (see the image below).
Figure: A docked device performance page and a new quick link tab below the main Net Inspector header tabs
Click the new quick link tab from anywhere in the given user view to display the respective device performance page.
Tip: To undock the page from quick links, click the Dock to quick links button again in the respective device performance page. The Dock/Undock toggle button turns from green to white.
Click the Reports tab in the main window to display the Reports page (figure).
In the Custom report pages frame, click the existing custom report page item that you would like to add to quick links (as shown in the figure below).
Figure: Opening a custom report page
The custom report page is displayed. To add the custom report page to quick link tabs, click the Dock to quick links toggle button in the right section of the titlebar (see the image below).
Figure: Adding a custom report page to quick links
When a page is added (docked) to quick links, a new tab carrying the name of the custom report page appears among the quick link tabs and the color of the Dock to quick links toggle button changes from white to green - as shown in the image below.
Figure: A new quick link tab is created for the custom report page
You can click the new quick link tab from any place on the desktop to quickly display the referenced custom report page.
Tip: To undock the page from quick links, click the Dock to quick links button again in the respective custom report page toolbar. The Dock/Undock toggle button turns from green to white.